Managing a construction site is no easy task. But it did get a little better, when timelapse cameras made their way into the lives of construction companies. It helps to ensure that the work is being done on time, professionally, and it also enables management to adjust along the way. Here is how a timelapse camera is used, as builders bring up their houses.
Helping with International Clients
Today’s world is getting smaller, all the time. It isn’t surprising anymore for someone to have a house build on foreign soil. The only problem with that is to make sure that the work is moving along as it should, and that the client is satisfied with the way that it looks. This is something that a timelapse camera can help with. In all cases that we will mention in this article, the camera is positioned on site, from the moment that the first shovel hits the ground. From there, they never stop taking pictures, at regular intervals. It doesn’t matter if it is raining, or snowing, as they are built to sustain any kind of weather. Furthermore, they have their own set of solar panels to work with, so that they never lack energy inside their special batteries, that are built to last a long time.
From day one, the buyer of the house or the commercial building, will be able to see his property coming out from the ground. Thanks to its wi-fi capacities, the timelapse camera sends out its info through the internet, which are accessible through a software on the computer and/or the phone of the person living abroad. Therefore, the buyer is seeing the work in real-time. This said, he can also go back to earlier days, if he wants to check on something particular, on which he has a doubt. If anything displeases him, in the process, he can contact the construction company and advise them of the changes he is requesting. That way, the whole thing won’t have to be revised, once completed, saving a lot of time and money to everyone involved in the project.
Helping Managers direct Workers
By using timelapse cameras, managers of construction workers, don’t have to show up on site every day. We forget that most of them handle more than one construction site at a time. Therefore, whichever work they can do from the office, is a relief for them. With the images that are contained on the memory of the camera, the people that make decisions are able to redistribute the workload on a daily basis, if need be. They can also control the rhythm at which the works is done, as well as the quality. All things that would be much more difficult, if they did not have this camera to help them.
Helping Construction Companies sell Themselves Better
Timelapse cameras are also a great marketing tool. That is because they register the totality of the work being done on an active site, from day one, till the work is completely done. If you take all the pictures that the camera has taken and you place them one after the other, moving at a certain speed, you will find yourself with a video that will show the whole process, as if played on fast forward. This is the kind of physical proof of the quality and efficiency of work being done by a company, that everyone would like to have. They can show this to prospective buyers and stop it at every phase that they may want to insist upon. It is certainly the fastest way to provide a view of what can be done, to anyone interested in the matter.