Spanish car rental company GoldCar Central has proved over the time such bad services that one of their very disatisfied customer launched his own website listing all the complaints and negative reviews about the service provider. If you wish to hire a car in Mardrid, look out for GoldCar and… do not take it!
Enough Complaints And Bad Reviews In Madrid To Launch A Website
If you are looking to hire a car in Madrid, Spain, we strongly advise not to call Goldcar company. Their services have been so dreadful over the time that one of their very upset customers has started a website gathering all the complaints and negative reviews regarding the company to let people know about his awful experiences.
Lack of customer service, deposits not returned, additional costs… After his horrific experience, this customer looked on the internet and found so many complaints about GoldCar that he launched Goldcarcomplaints.com, a website that now attracts thousands of hits every year with people complaining about their own holiday rental horrors.
Car Hire In Spain : “GoldCar Is The Worst”
Problem is that most of the frustrated customers discover the website only when returning from holidays after the misery is already inflicted and many wished they had seen the site before booking their car hire. Still they do not hesitate to leave comments and reviews, hoping that future customers find their complaints before booking.
Hopefully, the website will gain notoriety and in the future, it could arrive on top of Google researchs so that potential customers find it before the official website. This could help them avoid terrible experiences with the car hire company. Already the volume of complaints has made ripples in several other media outlets, including the Daily Mail online.
Central’s Contact Number Is A Scam
When looking at the many, many complaints posted on the website an other customer reviews websites, it appears that GoldCar services operates more like a racket than a real business. At a time, the central’s contact number was not even a real number but just a scam.
Other complains were made regarding deposits paid back in an other currency – GDP to euro – with terrible exchange rate or even not returned at all, fuel overprincing, additional costs regarding insurrance and, above all, non-existent customer service.
One of the customers even said he was asked to pay a €200 non-refundable insurrance deposit just beacause he did not own a credit card – just a debit one – and could not pay the “usual” €1 000 deposit for the service. This kind of deposit is usually included in the price.